Marvin Tang uses photography, moving image and objects to visualise phenomena that surfaces through the act of control. His research questions the linearity of historical narratives, examining the notion of collective identities. His work builds on the multiple layers of cause and effect propagating from political decision-making to shifting social structures. He is particularly interested in applying this research to Singapore, attempting to investigate its own historical account and relationship to her expanded narratives across the globe.
Marvin is a member of THEBOOKSHOW, a Singapore-based initiative that aims to act as a platform for aspiring artists to showcase self-published photo-based books conceived out of passion. He is also a producer at Superhero Me, a ground-up inclusive arts group in Singapore; focus on inclusive programming, creative advocacy, and strategic cross-sector partnerships to shape the narrative of inclusion in Singapore. He currently lectures at NAFA and the School of Art, Design, and Media, NTU.